PartnerLink Barometer – Quick Link

The Barometer is a quick appraisal process of one or more key business relationships which will direct you to specific root causes such as communication breakdowns and process problems. It will also highlight sources of good practice. It will allow you to remove partnership irritants, build mutual loyalty, create awareness of opportunities and confirm that improvements you have made have actually worked.

What is the PartnerLink Barometer?

  • A short, management-friendly report containing a powerful, high-level performance overview of a business relationship or group of relationships

  • A structured inquiry process based upon an online survey of the knowledgeable staff from each of the organisations within the relationship

  • It can be requested with a phone call or an email and delivered within a week

  • The analysis uses the latest scientific thinking on collaborative business relationships and is able to make sense of complex situations

  • It has been tried and tested in Public and Commercial organisations in both internal and external relationships.

What does the PartnerLink Barometer achieve?

  • Broadly points out the good areas, the poor areas, the inefficiencies and where wastage may be occurring

  • Provides metrics for measuring and setting performance targets

  • Due to the joint/multi-party nature of the survey, the result is greater mutual understanding, stronger commitment and a joint focus on practical improvement initiatives

  • Indicates where more in-depth, diagnostic evaluation may be necessary

When is the PartnerLink Barometer used?

  • As a routine ‘health check’

  • As an integral part of your Enterprise Relationship Management processes and activities

  • As an initial performance check of a relationship or group of relationships to provide visibility and governance

  • As an efficient way of managing a portfolio of key contracts or alliance multi-party relationships

“The quality of the relationship became a talking point and belief in its excellence was a huge incentive to do better and better”

Commercial T5 Director, EDF Energy

PartnerLink Barometer Fact Sheet

The PartnerLink Barometer Fact Sheet provides a short summary of the main features of this service.

Online Survey

Try out the PartnerLink on-line survey questionnaire. Click here

If you are interested in receiving a report of the results, please email us: