PartnerLink Partnership – In-depth Diagnosis

The Partnership is an in-depth appraisal designed to take a business relationship to another level. It generates a prioritised action plan to re-focus the teams, rectify problems and stimulate continuous improvement. It will allow you to reap process and cost reduction benefits, increase joint innovation, and allow both parties to seize new market opportunities together. It can also be used to rescue troubled, commercially important partnerships.

What is the PartnerLink Partnership Appraisal?

  • A powerful performance assessment and diagnostics service for key customer/supplier or multi-party alliance relationships

  • A focused, management-friendly output that recommends both strategic and tactical pointers for change

  • A structured inquiry process based upon online surveys and telephone interviews of the knowledgeable staff from each of the organisations within the relationship

  • Analysis that uses the latest scientific thinking on collaborative business relationships and is able to make sense of complex situations

  • The results are discussed and verified by all partners in a facilitated workshop

  • The outcome is agreed practical, prioritised action plans that can be immediately used to kick-start change programmes

What does the PartnerLink Partnership Appraisal achieve?

  • Exposes in detail the good areas, the poor areas, the inefficiencies and where wastage may be occurring

  • Provides metrics for measuring and setting performance targets

  • Due to the joint/multi-party nature of the survey, the result is greater mutual understanding, stronger commitment and joint focus on practical improvement initiatives

When is the PartnerLink Partnership Appraisal used?

  • As the precursor to an in-depth review and improvement programme

  • To kick-start a change programme

  • As an ongoing, regular performance review

  • As a means of improving teamwork

  • To demonstrate collaborative performance to a stakeholder

“The current contract work is almost completed. We should now consider what we can do in the future to capitalise on our learning to work together”

Project Director, Halcrow

PartnerLink Partnership Fact Sheet

The PartnerLink PartnershipFact Sheet provides a short summary of the main features of this service.

Online Survey

Try out the PartnerLink on-line survey questionnaire. Click here

If you are interested in receiving a report of the results, please email us: