It’s not rocket science!

In any organisation you may set up a project to get something important done. Often a cross department team will be formed to see it through. It will report progress to the Board and celebrate its success. This is standard coordination and control management and you are probably all good at it. We therefore suppose that you are good at working collaboratively in-house?

Collaboration with an external partner organisation requires the same skills. But, because you are dealing with people from outside and, maybe remotely, you have to consider their different ways of operating and communicating. This is likely to be right outside of your comfort zone. Do you find these cause constant problems and managing them is a chore?

 “The Hong Kong office is in daily contact with my people. About one in ten styles have production problems. To sort these out we use a video link.” Operations Manager, High Street Fashion Retailer (32-year relationship)

 This situation is more like a ‘marriage’ where give and take are important. It is even more critical when the relationship is all about an innovative venture such as new product development or customisation. The only way to make this work is to manage things closely, with your partner. Do you do this and does it work?

 “They love to innovate, will do “free” trials meaning they know it will be built into the price later, but the point is that they will do this which helps us get things to market quickly, something they can’t do themselves. Combining their flexibility and innovation with our know-how ensures we have a long-term, productive relationship.” MD, Global Confectionery Manufacturer (45-year relationship)

There are standard tools with which you are familiar like the business case, the contract and operating procedures. These can be drafted jointly to form a common management plan. This will be used by your Relationship Managers and their teams to keep their fingers on the pulse whilst co-ordinating all the business processes and activities that are essential to the success of the collaborative enterprise. If you can get your collaboration management right then the operations will go the extra mile, surmount any problems and, run smoothly and profitably.

“We can be in production for two days when they change their mind. They accept the completed items and we will make the rest in a new style. When asked, we will always do this for them.” Clothing Manufacturer (long-standing relationship)


Focus not butterfly thinking!


The Contract – straight-jacket or open door?